Access to J-Gate information portal at JUIT
Dear All,
We would like to inform you that all e-resources subscribed by the JUIT are now collectively accessible at single information gateway, i.e. J-Gate Science & Technology portal. You can search any terms/topics at J-Gate portal and it will display results (articles) from all the e-resources (namely ACM, ASCE, ASTM, IEEE, IET and Springer) subscribed by us. It provides single point of access to search and download full-texts of all 2046 peer-reviewed e-journals subscribed by JUIT along with over 4500 e-journals of science, engineering & technology available under open access mode.
J-Gate can be accessed from and available over IP Range of the University. Initially, it will be available on trial basis till 31st March 2019 before actual subscription gets started. The URL of the same will soon be updated at
A brief introductory and help guide is attached herewith that will help you in exploring the J-Gate.
In case of any difficulty in accessing the J-Gate, please feel free to contact the library.
With warm regards,
Suresh K Chauhan
Suresh K Chauhan, PhD
Deputy Learning Resource Manager
Learning Resource Centre
Jaypee University of Information Technology
Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh - 173 234
Phone: 01792 – 239382 (Direct), Extn.382, Cell.9555626161